Friday, 11 June 2010

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

hello I am the greatest man on earth

Everyday now I find myself browsing the internet for more jeffrey campbell wants. Currently trying to save for a pair of 'raids' in black but I'm a bit hesitant as Im not sure of sizes via the internet etc and no one seems to actually have them!
Came across one successful find to brighten my day and that has been re-listening to brigitte bardot's bubblegum album on repeat. It's cute and accompanies vannessa pardois and edith piaf splendidly on todays playlist. Currently in the process of booking flights to London and France for when I finish my exams. I can't wait, already taking on the french theme to my lifestyle and surrounding myself in french music, films and fashion. J'ADORE LA FRANCE!

joe le taxi

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Sunday, 25 April 2010


On the topic of Jeffery Campbell shoes I came across these bad boys, probably the finest lookin heels I've ever laid eyes on. Once I get my job in summer there will be no hesitation in purchasing these puppies, can't decide which pair I like better though, shame. Well look out world cos soon Ima be rollin in pure steez.

take me there